Eyes Open To Praise
The poet Samuel Menash died a little more than three years ago, on August 26, 2011. I hadn’t seen him in a while. We were introduced at a writers’ party on the Upper West Side and discovered our mutual interest in Hubert Butler.
The poet Samuel Menash died a little more than three years ago, on August 26, 2011. I hadn’t seen him in a while. We were introduced at a writers’ party on the Upper West Side and discovered our mutual interest in Hubert Butler.
In the June 2002 issue of Archipelago, I published an important speech by then-Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis), the only United States senator to have voted against the USA PATRIOT Act.
A dozen years ago, the historic legal reading of the Second Amendment was sharply reinterpreted to allow nearly unlimited personal ownership of rifles and pistols, including those designed as man-killers.